
Greek Statue of Hemaphroditus 2d Century BCE – Louvre. Every human being was originally one combined gender —male and female together. This unity was violently […]

From the Fountain not made  by the hands of man, water flows into the Sea of Tranquility in which all human problems dissolve into their

Note: the preview photo is a statue in the capital of Bali, Denpasar, commemorating the 1906 ritual suicide, called puputan in Balinese, of the royal

Background info: Bali has thousands of Hindu temples, big and small. Like India, a  Bali “temple” does not need to be the structural equivalent of

Angel Vision Zephyr Carlyle Alex’s eyes were closing as he tried to read the familiar text. His eyes popped open up when he heard the

Percy Bysshe Shelley. English Romantic poet whose passion was the pursuit of personal love and social justice. These dual inspirations motivated his early social activism. Later, this

Longfellow, the poet, tears off fabulous metaphors. He also tears at my heart as he mirrors my love life. Readers love the double whammy, as

  The following  is largely based on “Night of Facing Upward” by Julio Cortazar NOTE: THIS TEXT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A PROLEGOMENA TO SET

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