The Rock Cave of Redemption — Part II

Part II Speechless — Hindu Cave Temple on the Island of Nusa Penida
Made Talking to Alter Assistants (exact title unknown) in the Chinese Temple
After spending time in the Chinese Temple, located at the end of the cave, we head back the same way we entered.
Made Making for the Exit
Exiting The Cave and Emerging Triumphant 
We left, transformed. We then drove until we met up with Modern “Civilization”, in the form of:
A Nearby Mexican Restaurant
No! Please, help me find my way back to the Temple. I want to stay in the Cave Temple where life is transformative and filled with Serenity. I don’t want to stay in a world where you are directed to “Chill Today and Eat Some ….” well, you can read the rest.
Oh course, some tasty tacos are always a good idea.
In any case, we’re goin’ back to the Temple. Come on y’all — join us! You’ll like it.
Zephyr of Canggu
Trust me, I had a lot more I could have said about this Temple, visiting the island of Nusa Penida specifically, and about Bali generally. This travelogue is laser focused on the Temple and the pictures did most of the talking. “Brief is Better.”
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